Level 2: Dutch small talk course

In this beginner-intermediate Dutch course, you will further your ability to have simple conversations on common subjects while focusing on making more complex sentences and using different tenses. Most of all, you will increase your confidence in speaking Dutch. Everything is embedded in the context of your own life, with conversations focused around your own hometown, job, family, etc. This course is on level A2 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF or CEFR).

Steadily improving your Dutch and gaining confidence in the language

When learning a language, confidence is key. In this level 2 Dutch small talk class, we will review all the basics while also focusing on your comfort level in Dutch. This course can also be great for students who are looking to make friends and set down roots in the Netherlands. Level 2 students tend to be more committed to their Dutch studies and it is possible that the group you work with in this course will continue with you to level 3 and beyond.

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Not quite a beginner, not quite an intermediate when it comes to Dutch?

Take our level test and see if Level 2: Small Talk is the right course for you!

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